Saturday, September 13, 2014

virgin post + BRAHIMS 9474.KL

Hey guys, 

It's my first post as of yet here. Stocks has always been a passion of mine- trading since 17. Will be sharing my views on the stock market and stock picks as well.

KLCI has been taking a hit the past few trading days, but of course - with every slam arises an opportunity. Taking a look at BRAHIM's now.


Previously, well sort of still is- one of the friendly fires shot by MAS's restructuring on concerns that the contract will be terminated as it is an indirect proxy related to MAS being the airline's caterer for 25 years.

It's high was at 2.71, and then of course came MH370 which was a nail to the coffin for MAS cause the aftermath would be reflective on their earnings, which MAS posted horrible results. 

So BRAHIMS dwindled down all the way to a low of 1.16 - which is nearly at it's NTA of 1.15. 

From experience I know, a stock sentiment can be easily turned around when value arises and all the bad press over. Recent headlines on STAR papers - just this Friday actually, turning positive on BRAHIMS. Afterall they have been divesting and getting other airline contracts - infact with Malindo and Airasia now, also finalizing it's deals with Qatar and Brunei Airways in Nov to Dec which can serve as a catalyst - not forgetting banging on their HALAL expertise which their trying to capture market share as global HALAL expertise stands at US 1 trillion a year. That's a lot of money out there. 

What's next? Look at the chart - it looks perfect - grossly OVERSOLD + your golden macd hookup. Assuming everything is in line, all the bad news should have been already been absorbed and you'd be hearing good news from now. Afterall, when you've hit rock bottom , it can only go up hill from here.

My take - it's a Trading BUY call. TP 1.5 ( 20% upside ) - period ( short to mid term )

Happy trading. 


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